Sunday 11 October 2015

Joe - Monday 11th October 1915

Dear John,

Thanks for letters and francs.  I have a good bit of money I fetched out with me and we have had one pay. 

Well I'm well again.  I wrote home because I would be reported a Casualty and, besides the War Office, someone would have been sure to tell them and it would have upset them more. 

You told me I could tell you where I was, but I don't think it is allowed because our Censor is so strict, but if you can mention it I can.  We are at (censored)

A funny thing- I was drawing water at a house when a girl in the house asked me if I had a brother in France, because a chap stopped at their house and it appears he was very like me, but she thought they called him Jackson.  I knew that you'd been there and Billie so I asked if she'd seen the Warwicks and she said "Yes". 

We've had our letters cut down and can only send two a week, there are complaints going in every day - why it is all red tape?  I heard the 5th Borders are to have a rest, I was talking to one of our chaps last night and he said "We are the only Territorial Division in the firing line", but I told him different and I could hardly convince him.  Why, you were in the trenches long before the 5th Border! 

When I came out of hospital I went straight to the trenches on Friday and we came out on Saturday.  We were at a little village called Bezet.  I expect Billie gets a rest soon - he will need it. 

I will take all your advice and hope for the best.  I was hit low down in the stomach by the shrapnel - it is a bad place to get his, but as luck happened it was just a scratch, and is nearly healed up.  I think the advance will commence again as soon as the fine weather begins and get the beggars finished with once and for all. 

Well, give them all the news at home s I won't be able to write for a day or two.  Wishing you the best luck. 

Your affectionate brother Joe

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