Wednesday 18 November 2015

Billie - Thursday 18th November 1915

Dear Janey,

Many thanks for letter received tonight, all thank all for the parcel received, everything was great, and we all quite enjoyed it.  You might put a tin of milk in every week, but you need not send cocoa as lots of the chaps get it sent and we always have plenty of it. 

We have had a rotten eight days out in the village and we were not sorry when we set off again for the trenches.  If we do not go back for a rest we are in for 24 days, so it will be nearly Christmas by we come out of the trenches.  We had a very heavy fall of snow the day before we came in and yesterday when we were coming up to the trenches we had a nice snowstorm, so you may guess our fur coats came in jolly handy. 

Our Company has managed to touch lucky at last, and we are in reserve for a few days and we are having a fairly decent time up to the present.  We are in a house just about 800 yards from the German trenches and we have got a fine log fire going which is quite a treat.  We had a very hard frost last night, and everything was white when we arose this morning.  We were out working for about 4 hours last night on the trenches; they are in a state with the snow and wet we have had lately.  Nearly all the trenches are falling in-, you never saw anything like it.  However with a little dry weather, we will soon get them all right again. 

I was pleased you liked the rings, it is a pity they are all too small, I should have made them larger only I had not the metal to spare.  They are made out of the nose caps of German shells.  We melt them up in the fire, and then run them out in a circle, and then finish them off with a pocketknife and a file and polish with emery paper.  No, we have no lathes or anything, or else we'd finish them off better.  I've got another one started so will make it larger than the others. 

I was sorry to hear that Father had not been well, but hope he is better ere this reaches you.  Also I hope Gus and Aunt Joan are better.  Well I think I've given you all the news, hoping all at home are well as it leaves me in the pink.  So cheer oh. 

Oh tell Thompson not to do anything rash, as there are plenty of chaps to go before him.  I'm writing to John and Joe today.  Just had a letter from F, Gibson and he is sending me some more fags.  Please send me some more notepaper as nearly all the last fell in the mud. 

Your loving brother Billie. 

I'm sending ten flags in this letter. 

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