Saturday 11 April 2015

John - 11th April 1915

Dear Father,

I was pleased to hear you managed to get a few days rest at Easter.  We did not even have Easter Monday [5th April] off, we had a much more profitable way of spending it, we spent it in the trenches.  Things were very quiet round our part, the only thing that told us there was a war was the fact that the bullets came whistling over our trenches.  The Germans wasted hundreds of rounds of ammunition while we never fired a shot.  They don't like our chaps to be quiet, it makes them uneasy, they think we are up to some game and they snipe all the time.  We were in for 24 hours and had no casualties so we were fortunate.  Everyone kept his head down I think that was the reason. 

I was pleased to hear Mother is keeping better, now the weather is coming she can get out quite a lot seeing there is no one at home to look after.  We are quite comfortable here in the barns, we are used to sleeping in barns now and don't mind it in the least.  The rats keep us awake sometimes but that doesn't worry us.  We get heaps of sleep.  We turn in about 8:30pm and get up about 7am. 

I must close now hoping all are well, and that you are not working too hard.  Love to all at home,


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