Tuesday, 20 October 2015

John - Wednesday 20th October 1915

Dear Sarah,

Thank you very much for your letter received today.  I've intended writing to you for some time but we have been very busy.  However our work here is finished and we are putting in a little time at ordinary drill &c and it is quite a change.  We shall not be here much longer I am sure. 

I received the home parcel safely everything was fine but the apple cake was most acceptable.  I had been out from 7 till 4 and had only had breakfast so you can imagine how welcome the parcel was.  The apple cake did not last long as we are all very fond of it here. 

I hope all at home are keeping well.  You will no doubt be as busy as ever.  I think everybody will have a jolly long holiday when the war is finally over, and I'm sure we shall all need it. 

I have heard that out Battn has been mentioned in despatches and also that the colonel is being decorated.  They have done some jolly good work but it is only what could be expected.  We might be going near to where Joe is next week.  I'm almost certain we are going there, so I shall look out. 

If Miller Irven is at Nieppe I can easily find them, as I know that place well, I've been there many a time. 

I must close now.  I shall be writing home soon but tell them not to worry if they don't have a letter for a day or two, because sometimes I don't get a chance to write letters for days at a time. 

Love to all. 

Your affectionate brother John. 

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