Saturday, 3 October 2015

Billie - Sunday 3rd October 1915

Dear Janey,

Very many thanks for letters from all and parcels received the last few days. 

We are back in the trenches again and having a fairly rough time of it.  We have had some reinforcements sent up.  The weather is very cold now, although it has been dry and frosty, so it is much better than the wet.  You will no doubt have had some very good news through the last few days.  I think the French are fairly giving them it in the neck. 

Have you heard from Joe yet whether he has left England or not?  Let me know as soon as you get news. 

We are in the trenches for 8 days this time, and then we'll have 8 days out.  We have not had the expected attack as yet, but hope to be sooner or later.  We have started making fires now so it is much more comfortable now. 

How are you all keeping at home?  I am pleased to say my cold is quite better now and I am once more in the pink.  I had a short letter from my firm saying they were sending me 200 fags the parcel would follow that.  We have not had time for letter writing this time in, so excuse short letter - will give you all news when I get out. 

Oh the chap who was wounded in my dug out is in England.  He was lucky in being sent over; he is having a fine time of it in Kent.  Lucky Beggar! 

Well I must close, hoping all are well at home. 

Your loving brother Billie. 

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