Thursday, 1 October 2015

Joe - Friday 1st October 1915

Dear Mother,

You would no doubt be surprised at our quick move near to the firing line.  I am only about 12 miles off John, but it will be impossible to see him unless we get moved nearer.  Billie of course is at another part of the line.  I think he will be getting a rest anytime now. 

We were out for a very short route march yesterday morning and we met MR McNaughton (Bandmaster) out of the 5th Border - they are quite close to us.  We could see quite plainly shells bursting all around one of our aeroplanes - it was a grand sight but the aeroplane was too high for the Germans, most of the shells went wide. 

I expect you got my letter and field card, only 24 letters for each platoon can be allowed each day and the censor is much stricter than ever John's or Billie's were, but I think it is only for a start.  You need not send me an air pillow as I would never use it.  You can send the belt and watch cover anytime. 

One platoon of our Coy has been in the trenches and we may be going in the reserve anytime now.  We have plenty of rain but we are quite comfortable in our billets, and we have had an easy time of it since we came out here; all we have done is two short route marches.  There are plenty of Canadians where we are and they are decent chaps. 

I will write to Billie when my turn comes again, he will be ready for a rest and he needs one.  The 5th Borders are talking about a rest and Billie has been in much longer than them.  A few of our Coy were in the first line, and they all came out safe and sound; it's a fairly quiet part of the line here.  Our billets are very close to the reserve trenches, just at the top of the street the trenches start. 

I still have plenty of cash left so don't be sending me any.  I will let you know if I want any.  You need not send me any socks or shirts I have plenty that will last a few weeks, and we will do our own washing.  I reckon we can wash clothes as clean as some of the people here could, as it is a poor like place where we are and we are only allowed to go so far down the street.  There are a few small shops where we go for Coffee, it's all coffee here of course; we get tea at meal times, but apart from that I have not seen tea here yet. 

Well I have no more news so must close.  Hoping all at home are well. 

Your loving son Joe. 

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