Monday, 12 October 2015

John - Tuesday 12th October 1915

Dear Janey,

Thanks very much for letter also Mother's parcel.  There are only two of us to share this week as the other two are on leave.  We feel lost without them, but they will soon be back.  I am Orderly Sergeant this week so I do not go out of camp.  My pal and I had breakfast after the others had gone on parade.  I put a decent fire in the stove and in spite of the smoke I managed to cook some bacon and tomatoes, so we had a lovely breakfast, we can manage on two such meals a day.  We shall have some of the other things for tea.  We have Quaker Oats for supper every night now, we buy the oats in the Canteen - we can get almost everything now.  I had a cold coming on at the beginning of the week but hot porridge and an issue of rum put me all right again.  I have used all my quinine now. 

We had a Rugby match the other day.  We played the 5th West Ridings and had a fine game.  They came from Huddersfield and were NU players.  However we gave them a grand game even though we lost 8 points to 3.  I wish we could play the return match, but they are going in the trenches this week. 

Jem Goodall's Battn must now be some distance from here.  I sent him a P.C. asking him to come down but so far he has not come.  I am sending Joe two green envelopes.  He can send as many of these as he likes because they are not censored.  I shall send him two or three every week, then he can overcome the letter difficulty.  I know some Regts. are limited to a certain number of letters, they threatened to do so with us, but never carried it out. 

I hope Mother is keeping much better now.  Sorry to hear old Tommy (parrot) has died. 

I must close now hoping all are well.  I received Sarah's letter. 

Love to all John. 

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