Sunday, 18 October 2015

Billie - Monday 18th October 1915

Dear Jess,

Just a line to let you know I am still all right.  We are back in the trenches again for 8 days and up to the present we are having a very rough time of it.  What with the nights being so long and cold, and not having many men in the front line we are fairly having to do a lot of work. 

Just to give you and idea of what we are having to do under the new system (which we don't think much of up to the present, although it may turn out better than it looks), last night I was on three spells of two hours each, and then I was asked to go out in front of the wire for about a good half hour, and then today I have two spells with the periscope of two hours each, and then working parties after that.  So you can see they don't let us have much rest. 

They had the wind up in the trenches last night about the Germans laying gas pipes over into our lines.  So we went out to see if we could see anything of them, but did not see or hear anything so after half an hour we came in. 

We have had one or two very narrow squeaks while laying in front.  One bullet hit right between a Sergt's legs and mine and covered us both with dirt.  We are expecting the RIR's in tonight to give us a hand and we will not be sorry when they do come in.  The line this time is very active especially on the enemy's side; they fairly have been giving us a strafing and no mistake.  They have now a device which they use, and it throws a 2001b shell and the explosion is something terrific - we have never heard the likes of it before. 

The rats and mice in the trenches are getting worse than ever, and run all over you.

I heard yesterday that we are holding this part of the line until 4th January but I do not know how true it is, at any rate it does not look as though we will be home for Christmas.  However we must not grumble, it is all for the best. 

I had a jolly fine parcel from the shop the other day.  It is jolly good of them isn't it?  Have you heard how Joe is?  I wrote and told him to take plenty of time and have a good rest.  I also wrote to John. 

I'm pleased to hear all at home are well, I am A1.  I would have written sooner only I've had so much work to do I've not had time.  You can please send me some more vermin powder and writing paper in the next parcel.  We have just had our underpants issued. 

I see by the papers there has been another raid on London. 

Must dry up and try to get an hour's sleep; the first for 48 hours. 

Cheer Oh.  Love to all. 

Your loving brother Billie. 

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