Monday, 22 June 2015

John - Tuesday 22nd June 1915

18th Camp 48
S. Midland base

Dear Janey,

Thanks very much for letters of the 22nd. 

I arrived here yesterday and I shall be here until a draft is sent up to the line which means a week at least.  There are a number of our men down here, I am in a tent with two out of our company - one chap was in College with me.  I had a letter and parcel from Liverpool so I will write.  We are under canvas here, it is a lovely place the only thing was I couldn't sleep the boards were so hard, still I shall soon get used to that again. 

I hear that our chaps are going home on leave, a number are on leave now.  I hope it is true and that Billie and I can get together.  The grub here is a bit better than at Rouen.  I am applying for attention to my teeth here. 

Sunday I've just seen the doctor and have to see the dentist tomorrow.  A number of our reserve Battn came here yesterday.  They are going up the line tomorrow so I shall not get up with them.  I met a chap in the Gloucesters, at least I was watching them march when I heard someone say "Thompson".  I did not recognise him at first and he asked me if I remembered playing against Keswick and I knew him at once.  His name is Hartley and he went to Bristol College.  It is surprising how many Rugby footballers I have met out here - both officers and men that I know.  It is A1 here - heaps better than at Rouen.  I have applied for a pass into town to have a swim; they say it is a fine place.  I also had a letter from Sarah containing a note from Jackie Langstaff.  I expect I shall get my leave when I get back. 

Two youngsters marched into here the other day and asked for the 5th Warwicks.  They tramped from Kelvedon to Southampton got across with some Canadians and made their way here.  They said they were "fed up" with doing nothing and were determined to get to France - plucky kids eh?  I do not know whether they will send them up to the line with this draft.  I think they deserve it. 
I must close now.  I hope all are well at home. 

Love to all John

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