Sunday, 14 June 2015

John - Monday 14th June 1915

Convalescent Depot Rouen

Dear Sarah,

Thank you very much for your parcel which came to me while in hospital.  I just stayed in long enough to finish the contents nicely. 

I am at the above now and having a nice easy time.  They have opened my wound out again as it was healing too quickly, so it will be a week or two before I am fit for the front again. 

Now I have some news for you which is not very pleasant.  I have made enquiries everywhere I've been for the 8th Durhams.  I was rewarded yesterday for I came across Jack Huggins' pal - a chap called Shepherd.  He is here sick and I asked him for news of Jack, and I will tell you what he said. 

On the day they were attacked a party of Canadians were sent out to drive the Germans out of a house where they had machine guns in position.  The Durhams were being shelled heavily and Jack and his pal decided to go with the Canadians to help them. 

They got near the house and had to retire.  Shepherd was in front of Jack and they set off.  They had to cross a very dangerous piece of ground and before making a rush Shepherd called out "All right Jack?" and Jack answered "Yes go on".  He looked behind and saw him ready to follow, so he rushed on and jumped into the trench.  He fully expected Jack had gone into the trench further up the line, but he has neither seen nor heard of him since and he is awfully upset about him. 

He says he feels sure he must have got put "clean out", or he would have got back.  He got back all right and there are only 8 or 9 of their company left, so he is very lucky. 

I feel awfully sorry myself about Jack and I only hope he is a prisoner for his Mother will be awfully upset I know.  I thought I would let you know and then if Mrs Huggins has still not heard anything more of him, you can prepare her for the worst. 

Please tell Mother she can send the money now.  The grub here is very much below hospital standard and extra grub is very dear.  I have not been into town yet; I shall apply for leave tomorrow.  I saw a number of the 5th Border here who have been gassed.  Quite a number I knew as they come from Whitehaven.  I was quite pleased to meet them. 

I hope all are well at home, I am going on A1.  I must close. 

Love from your affectionate brother John. 

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