Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Billie - Wednesday 30th June 1915

Dear Sarah,

You will no doubt be thinking I have forgotten you altogether but I have been unable to write to you on account of being on the move. 

After coming out of the trenches we set off for the Base for a Rest, which consisted of about 12 hours rest and then we were off again, going to the extreme south of the British lines.  We did about 30 miles one day and continued until we landed here.  The French people here are great, I never met better people anywhere.  We are behind where cousin Joe got wounded (La Bassee). 

We are billetted in a barn again and it is a treat.  Just outside the barn we have cherry trees and the cherries are a treat - fine and ripe.  Another chap and I were walking up a field here and a chap came rushing up to us, shook hands with us and invited us into his house, took us round his garden and gave us roses and strawberries.  His garden is a treat to see - one mass of bloom.  He also gave us lettuce for a salad and invited us to go round today.  So of course we accepted. 

We went round this morning and had a fine time.  He made us stay to dinner and gave us soup, vegetables, new potatoes boiled beef, strawberries and coffee and to finish off with - wine.  He is a jolly fine chap.  I took Bunny with us to help us with the lingo.  They are some of the best and we have to go round tomorrow again. 

I should think we will be here for a couple of days rest at any rate we hope so.  We told the chap about the people where we used to be and how they used to rook us, and he says they were Belgian peasants and that they were all like that.  There is one daughter about 18 I should imagine and we keep them going I can tell you when we try to make them understand. 

I had another parcel from the Managing Director yesterday; it is jolly decent of him.  I received Janey's letter yesterday and am pleased to hear all are well but hope John is improving.  We are all in the pink here.  We are having a concert in the field tonight and they have put me down for a song.  Just received your letter and the rose, which I am wearing. 

Well, I have told you all the news so must close hoping all are well. 

Your loving brother, Billie. 

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