Monday, 29 June 2015

Billie - Sunday 27th June 1915

Dear Janey,

Just a line to let you know we are off again.  You will no doubt have got my letter telling you we were going to the base for a rest.  Well we marched to the Base and got there about 4.30a.m. and we were free until 8 p.m. although we had to be up for an inspection at 12 noon.  When we set off again we are going right off now, I think, to help the French, but of course we cannot tell. 

We have a lovely barn here all fresh straw for beds and I can tell you when we arrived here at 11.30 last night and got down we never opened our eyes until 10 this morning.  We have not been able to write for two days as there was no post on account of being on the move, and we have also had no post for a couple of days but I suppose we will get it when we reach our destination.  I intended writing to our John but have not had time.  I had a letter from Joe a few days ago and he gave me all his news but did not mention anything about going back.  It is to be hoped they send for him. 
I have not much time so you must excuse this short letter.  Hoping all are well as it leaves me in the pink.  So cheer up.  I'll write as we land up. 

We had two fine meals while at the base, although we were only there for 14 hours.  A lovely long rest was it not?  We were not allowed to send any post so will have to wait.  We had a forced march right south of the line and we did 30 miles in 24 hours and I can tell you we were done up when we finished.  We marched through some very nice French towns and the people are very good to us here and will do almost anything for us and on the way through one little town I had some flowers given me by a French girl. 

We are in a barn again - pretty decent as outside there are two cherry trees and they are grand.  While out today while passing a farm the boss of the place came out and invited us to go and see his garden, shook hands with us and gave us some roses and a good feed of strawberries and some lettuce.  He was a fine old sport and his garden was a treat.  Must close or I will not get through. 

So hoping all are well. 

Your loving brother Billie. 

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