Monday, 14 March 2016

Joe - Tuesday 14th March 1916

Dear Mother,

You will probably have heard before now that we are on the move.  We are moving to the South of France.  We have had two day's march and we have been staying at a village for three days.  I think we move tomorrow.  We will probably be taking over trenches somewhere near where Billie is.  I would like to come across him. 

You can spend the same amount on John's present as I told you for Jess; please see my orders are carried out, and tell Jess it is not too much.  I have just received a parcel from Sarah, and thank her for same; it was a good parcel.  I got a surprise where I heard Mrs Bewsher was dead; a good number of Whitehaven people have died lately. 

When we first landed in this village the French people at some of the farms would hardly let our chaps sleep in their barns because some of them were half full of unthreshed wheat and corn.  Of course we wouldn't have harmed it much but it appears some troops had left the places dirty.  We go up to a farmhouse where some of our Machine Gun Section are billeted and the old man and woman will do anything for US.  We are getting chips tonight at no cost to us. 

Well I must close if I want to catch the post.  I was glad to hear Sarah had taken that post; it won't be such hard work.  Well I must close. 

I remain, Your loving son Joe

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