Saturday, 26 March 2016

Billie - Sunday 26th March 1916

Dear John,

Very many thanks for the letters received some days ago.  I was pleased to hear you are having such a good time.  Well all I say is, make the most of it. 

We are in the trenches again and having a fairly rough time of it.  I think I told you that the Germans made an attack on us some weeks ago but did not meet with much success at all.  Well we had our revenge the other night and no mistake.  We arranged to make a bombing raid on the enemy's front line some days ago, but on account of heavy snow it was abandoned so while we were out resting last time we carried it out, and met with a huge success.  Our chaps got in the trenches and Brigade orders say we accounted for 60 Germans killed without what were knocked about by the bombardment afterwards.  Our chaps went in their trenches and gave them something to remember us by.  The chaps who had not bombs had hatchets and clubs and revolvers, and you should have seen these things when it was all over.  They were going to bring 3 prisoners alive and 2 did not want to come so one got a revolver bullet and someone knocked the other's head off, so they only brought one alive - quite a youngster.  It did not last long, our chaps were only in the German trenches 81 minutes, but they must have gone mad whilst in.  However it has let them see that we can scrap with the next.  We had only 4 chaps wounded and none dangerous. 

You will be surprised to hear that Corbett stopped me through the arm while between lines.  Two of our guns went over as covering party but we were not allowed to go as only the chaps who have been on the guns since we first got them were allowed to go and then they cut one gun out at the last minute.  Of course the Germans sent the S.O.S. up, but our chaps were clear then and they started bombarding. 

You would no doubt be surprised to hear I am on the Lewis Gun, but we have a better time than the Company.  You will no doubt be surprised to hear Mr Hoskins is transport officer now, and he has made some improvements there, all have their badges and buttons polished now.  They have got a Brigade Pioneer Company now formed of chaps who have been sick a lot.  What do you think - Nipper Frear is in with his knee, and goodness knows how he managed to get in them, as he plays football for our Company's team!  They are attached to us and are back at the village where we go every 24 days for a rest. 

While we were there this last time the General put a cup up for football - best Company in the Brigade and we are going very strong.  First of all the Battalions all play inter-Company matches league, and the top of the league represents the Battalion and A Company is top of our Battalion so we are going very strong.  The top of the league represents the Battalion and we are top - 11 goals for and 0 against as we have not lost a match as yet and we are supposed to be hot favourites.  We beat the crack team 3:0.  I play centre. 

I was surprised to hear that you were getting married but perhaps you are right and I only hope I will be able to be home to be best man, but I do not know how it is to be managed.  I am pleased to say everything points to use being relieved and we will not be sorry. 

This is all the news I have at present, hoping you are well also Billie and all at home.  So cheer oh! 

Your loving brother Billie. 

Old Bunny wishes to be remembered to you, he is still plodding along trying to get his papers signed.  Let me know how you are getting on when you've time.  They say Tich is in an asylum but I'm not certain if it's true.  All your pals wish to be remembered to you.  Sergeant Wilkinson was shot by a sniper this morning. 

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