Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Billie - Wednesday 15th March 1916

Dear Sarah,

Very many thanks for lovely parcel which arrived in splendid condition last night.  Also thank Janey for letter which I was pleased to receive last night also. 

We are still in the trenches having a fairly decent time of it these last few days.  The weather for the last three days has been a treat almost like Summer, so you may guess we quite enjoyed it.  This is our last night in of this 8 days and tomorrow we go back for 8 days' rest.  I think the Germans have been changed opposite to us, as these last few days they have been shouting over to us and generally swanking. 

I had to leave this letter and go out of our shelter with the gun, so I will now try to finish it.  Well we are out of the trenches again and back resting, and up to the present we are having a jolly decent time.  The weather these last few days has been scorching hot, and the scenery just around this village is a treat to see.  The fields and orchards are yellow with daffodils - in fact I have never seen so many before.  I have also heard there are heaps of violets but have not come across any yet.  We are playing a football competition here for a cup given by our General.  We have played one match and won 5:0.  I managed to get a couple of goals.  We play again today a very hot team so only hope we are as lucky today.  The football team is excused all parades so you may guess we are having a fairly decent time of it. 

You will no doubt be pleased to hear that leaves have started again but they are only sending 2 a week per company, so if they do not increase them it will be quite 13 weeks before I get home.  We had a glorious bath yesterday and a clean change so you need only send me some socks occasionally now.  Kindly thank Mater for the lovely parcel containing socks &c which arrived in fine order. 

Well I suppose Jess and John will both be busy now with one thing and another.  Tell Mother to draw out some of my money and buy them whatever they want.  I was pleased to hear you had decided to accept the post offered you.  I feel sure you will do well.  I was also pleased to learn that Janey is going to do Thompson's work.  I am sure she will be able to manage it all right.  You might let me know when he is called up and what he is put in.  I think it is a downright shame that the government should not keep their pledge and I think it should be seen into. 

Well I think this is all the news at present so must close.  Hoping all are well at home also at Greenwell House, George St and Catherine St. as it leaves me in the pink.  Oh kindly thank Aunt Eliza for the money in the parcel just received it came in handy. 

Cheer oh, Your loving brother Billie

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