Monday, 30 November 2015

John - Tuesday 30th November 1915

Dear Janey,

I think it is about your turn, I seem to have forgotten you for a time.  I have just written to Birmingham to tell them to deduct the extra from my salary, as after all, they have paid me for these stripes since we left Base - we've been paid up.  We get all the money to our credit in our books. 

I wish I could come home at Christmas.  I bet I could have a good time.  Still it's not use talking, but when I do get home I'll have a royal time with the nice little sum I have due to me.  I know I feel I have earned it jolly hard.  Perhaps they will deduct it in instalments and perhaps in a lump.  It doesn't matter which because I have the money to my credit. 

I suppose we shall soon be having our Christmas parcels now.  You might send me an electric torch as soon as possible as it is awfully dark now and the roads are very bad.  I don't know of anything I want specially, don't send too much because we shall all have things sent.  You can spread the things out more, then we shall not have too much at once.  I'm not on parade today.  My boots are not very good, so I'm waiting till the new ones come in.  I have plenty of socks at present so you need not send any more until I tell you.  I had some sent from school yesterday.  I hope Mother is keeping better.  I had a letter from Billie last week. 

I shall most likely want Thompson to get me a box of decent cigars (50).  I had a bet on with one of our officers last August, that the war would be over by 31st December and I think it looks like having to send them.  He is up the line now with our old Company.  I shall send the address and a note to go with them in a week or two's time.  I must close now, hoping all are A1. 

Love to all John. 

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