Thursday, 5 November 2015

John - Friday 5th November 1915

Dear Mother,

Thank you very much for the parcel.  Everything was fine, the apple cake was lovely and the ham will come in useful.  I got it just when I was in most need of it.  I came in from work feeling about "done in" and I soon made a hole in my parcel. 

We are having pretty rough weather.  This place is absolutely the limit for rain.  You can send me some more socks now, as with the wet I've nearly walked the feet out of one pair but my others are pretty good.  The only thing that keeps us going here is the decent sleep at nights.  It is nice and cosy in the loft over the COWS. 

I saw a German aeroplane brought down yesterday.  It was an awfully exciting fight and we were all pleased to see the German fall.  That is the second within a week. 

The trenches are in a fearful state at present.  They are all falling in and the Canadians and Germans all walk along the top without being fired on so you can imagine what they are like. 

I wrote to Billie and Joe the other day.  I expect they will have had much the same weather as we have had.  Well I must close, hoping all are well. 

Love to all John. 

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