Monday, 23 November 2015

John - Tuesday 23rd November 1915

Dear Jess,

Thanks for your letter.  The parcel has not arrived yet, I suppose it will arrive up today.  I shall try the shirt although we are fairly clear of livestock but prevention is better than cure.  I was sorry to hear that Mother is not well and hope she is not going to have another long spell of it.  I suppose the rough weather has knocked her up again. 

We have had some very cold weather, but no snow, thank goodness.  We have had frost but a thaw has set in.  I am orderly Sergeant this week, so I have a pretty comfortable time, and I spend the best part of the day in a farm kitchen in front of the stove.  We are getting our winter clothes by degrees but so far have had no sheepskins, but I don't suppose we will get them because we are not in the trenches. 

Billie must have been feeling fed up when he wrote.  We are by no means as badly off as the Germans.  No end of them have given themselves up because they have not had enough to eat.  I don't think the war will last the winter out now.  Both sides are "too fed up" to do much fighting.  The Germans behave themselves much better now because if they start shelling we always send hundreds more over and they soon stop. 

I'm having a new pair of boots this week and we are all pretty well in need of them.  The only thing we lack is a bath.  We have not had one since we came here - it is warm to be dirty I suppose.  I think I can get to see Joe if he cannot get to meet me.  I shall go over to where he is; the Adjutant told me yesterday I could get leave easily enough.  I'm just waiting to hear from Joe.  He is only about 2 hours walk from where I am, if he is still where he told me.  I hope Father is keeping well.  I shall write to him this week. 

Love to all John. 

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