Dear Jess,
Just a line to let you know I am all right.
We are back in the trenches again and up to the present we are having a rotten time. We have moved about 100 yards to the left where some of Kitchener's men have been, and if that is a sample of the new army's work I am sorry for the army. It seems as though they have let everything go to wreck and ruin and, instead of keeping the dug outs in repair, they have let them all fall in and have put a piece of corrugated iron across the trench and we have to sit on the firing platform with this for cover. We had the first dose of this last night and I think it is the worst we have ever had. Of course we cannot do all the 8 days in but do 1 day in support when we spend the whole night doing sentries, and when resting under the glorious new army style of dugouts. Then the next day we are in the front line and spend all day and night in these and after that we move into the village and have one night's sleep perhaps. So you will see we are always on the move.
Last night it was hard frost, and then turned to snow, and it has snowed the whole day, so you may bet we were very pleased when we moved into the village tonight. However we have done it once so can do it again. In spite of the rotten time we are having I am in the pink, and I am only looking forward now to my leave which will be in about 6 week's time, as they have cut the leaves to 4 a week. Well I think this is all the news for the present so must close, hoping all are well at home as it leaves me in the pink. Tell the boys I will write to them as soon as I get time.
Your loving brother Billie.
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