Saturday, 20 February 2016

Billie - Sunday 20th February 1916

Dear Sarah,

Just a line to let you know I am going on all right and having a fairly decent time of it this time out.  We have been working nearly every day, but they have built a concert room here now and we have had a troop of entertainers from the RAMC and pictures every night, and I can tell you we all fairly enjoyed it and no mistake.  It was quite like old times. 

We were in the pictures last night and we were just interested in a picture when we were all ordered to stand to.  When we got outside there was a terrific bombardment going on, and we had to pack our kit up, roll our blankets in bundles and don fighting order.  We stood to for about an hour when we were ordered to stand down but no man had to leave his billet, but nothing came of it.  The line has been fairly active around here just at present, and I can tell you it has been fairly warm, however I think that before long we will be relived, and after we have had our rest the winter will be over.  We go in the trenches again tomorrow and we only hope the weather will keep up the same as it is today.  The whole time we have been out of the trenches it has poured, until today and it is just like Spring. 

We had a Zeppelin and some aeroplanes over here last night dropping bombs but they did not do much damage.  I was pleased to hear all are well at home.  Thank Jennie for her papers.  Well I think this is all the news at present. 

With love to you all. 

Your affectionate brother Billie. 

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