Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Billie - Wednesday 29th September 1915

Dear Sarah,

Very many thanks for parcel which arrived in fine condition last night.  The chicken looks fine and we are going to have it for dinner today.  Also thank Mother for her parcel, also thank Mrs Wattleworth for the teacake which arrived in fine condition.  They look lovely and taste even better than they look. 

We are out of the trenches again for 4 days and I have had 4 days' light duty as I had such a rotten cold received through getting my feet wet.  However I have got another pair of boots so I hope to soon be well again. 

You will no doubt have got the news through of the big advance; it is great and has not half cheered us up.  I should not be at all surprised any day to get our orders to advance.  However the sooner the better! 

We have had rotten weather since we have been out; Still we are fairly comfortable as we are in large dug outs made by the French and they are fine.  We have mattresses made of wire netting covered with Bamboo so we are well off.  We have also had our blankets issued again so we have not to get up in the middle of the night and do physical exercises to get warm. 

Oh I must tell you this - one of our chaps says he was on guard at a barrier of a trench and he heard some one approaching, and it being dark, he challenged "Who goes there?" and a voice replied "Chaplain"  Sentry replied "Advance Charlie and be recognised".  I think this is good enough for Punch, seeing it was the chaplain going to bury someone. 

I was pleased to receive the air pillow and I was glad to have letters from John and Joe while in the trenches.  Hoping all are well. 

Your loving brother Billie. 

I received the parcel from Coopers all right and it was fine. 

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