Monday, 28 September 2015

Billie - Tuesday 28th September 1915

Dear Mother,

Just a line to let you know we are out of the trenches once more after 4 rotten days in.  The weather was awful - a whole night's thunderstorm and then four days of continuous rain, so you can imagine the state we were in. 

The only thing that cheered us up was seeing our artillery shelling their trenches and getting the news through of the big advance.  We all stood and cheered and then gave the Germans five rounds rapid, and I bet we fairly put the wind up them.  I have never heard anything like the bombardment that our artillery gave them.  We were pleased we were kicking the same way as them.  We saw a dozen aeroplanes go over one morning off on a raid. 

Now that the nights are so long we fairly do have some duties to do.  However I suppose we cannot help that. 

I had another bit of luck again last time in.  I changed dug outs with a chap.  Well he and I were on sentry duty at the same time so we turned in together, and he had just got off to sleep when the Germans sent a rifle grenade over, and it went straight through a hole in the dug out, and one of the pieces lodged in his thigh, but am pleased to say it is nothing serious and might with a bit of luck get him to England. 

The dug out I changed into was right under the ground and we had hammocks made of wire netting, so we were jolly comfortable, the only fault was we had to burn candles all day long. 

We have been waiting for the post now for a couple of days, but for some reason or other there has been none.  I expect it is on account of the big advance.  We are expecting the order to push them back anyday now, as everything is prepared.  I had a letter from Joe two days ago and he said they were expecting to move anytime.  You might let me know when he does move and let me have his full address and I will write to him. 

Well I think I've given you all the news, hoping all are well. 

Your loving son Billie. 

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