Wednesday, 29 July 2015

John - Thursday 29th July 1915

Dear Janey,

I suppose you will have heard from Billie that we have moved at last.  We are having a very nice time so far.  Having made a nice little hut for 5 of us we have added to it and made a decent affair of it.  I wish I could have photographed it. 

I've just had Jess's letter of the 26th so you can see it has not taken long to come.  You can send my parcel now.  We can get plenty of bread, butter and eggs here (of course we buy them) I have plenty of tobacco but not many fags. 

We were out trench digging yesterday and had a fine time, we were miles behind the firing line and might have been digging down the garden for any danger there was. 

Today I have been helping to do a bit of road making.  The Colonel came along and I suggested that we should borrow a roller from the farm near to.  I was sent with an officer to try to borrow it.  It was good fun.  The officer could not speak French and the C.O. wrote down what he had to say.  Of course we did not meet the farmer first and I was afraid we should have to do without the roller.  The officer seemed surprised when I asked him if I should ask the boy where we should find the "Boss".  Of course we are not expected to have had any special education to be able to navvy.  However we met the farmer and he lent us the roller and so we were able to get on well with our roadmaking. 
It is jolly useful to be able to "parlez-vous" a little.  If the war lasts much longer I shall be able to speak French quite well.  Of course some of the people here speak Flemish but the majority speak French. 

I'm pleased to hear Mother is improving.  I hope she will soon be quite well enough to get downstairs. 

I wrote to our Billie before I left the Base.  I expect he is a good way from here.  I hear they are not in the trenches yet but don't know how true it is.  I don't know when I shall join them; we will be here for 6 weeks at least; we are at Poperinghe.  I think he will get a leave before long. 

I will write again soon.  There is no need to worry about me as I am all right.  By the way please send me a pair of socks by return, I need them now, also some toothpaste.  Don't send any more English notes out here as they are not easily changed. 

I must close now.  Love to all at home.  John. 

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