Friday, 10 July 2015

John - 8th July 1915


Dear Jess,

I am awfully sorry to hear that Mother is not well and hope by this that she is better.  She must just cheer up and not worry so much - I think that is the reason for her being ill. 

There is no prospect of going up the line yet, in fact they say we shall be here most likely another month.  I proposed to Billie that she should come here for her holiday so you can come as well if you like.  It is a jolly decent place this, I have got a permanent job, taking chaps down to the Dentist.  I have been down seven times since I came here.  Of course when you come I shall get a permanent pass, which means that I shall be able to go down everyday.  If Billie and you could only come for a few weeks it would be lovely. 

The latest news of my Battn. is they are working near La Bassee; that is why we are not joining them just yet.  I had a letter from Billie yesterday and he told me all his adventures. 

I had a pleasant surprise in town this morning.  I saw a party of officers and was surprised to see Bert Bennett, Marley (St Bees) Stan Wilson (Dentist) and about a dozen more 5th Border chaps.  Of course we had a decent chat.  They are just staying here until tomorrow and then going to Rouen.  They were all pleased to see me but not half so pleased as I was to see them.  Their huts are just about a hundred yards from my tent so I'm going to see them again tonight in town.  They all look extremely well, and so they ought after such a long holiday in England.  They must be short of officers in the 5th Border if they need 14 reinforcements.  Ewbank's brother was there as well.  I have not had my last week's parcel which you sent me word you'd sent off.  I suppose it will have gone up the line as several of my letters did. 

I must close now as I want to enclose a letter which I want you to send to Joe. 

Love to all John. 

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