Dear Janey,
I received your letter all right and am pleased to hear all are well. We are on the move farther down the line. We've had two days' marching and we aren't finished yet. I got Sarah's parcel also the one from Liverpool but I've only had time to send a field card so far to Sarah and Jess. Syd has landed back and seems to have had a good time. I've broken my watch glass already. I was pressing the cover down, it used to spring up, and I just pressed it into position and it broke the glass so if you can get the right sized glass and a new protector you might send them on, my watch is an Ingersoll Midget. If you can't get one I'll get one out here. Wilson Grahame wishes to be remembered to you. I had a letter from Billie and the photo is splendid. I can't put Billie Nixon now, so don't think it is our Billie. You had better tell Billie to change her name.
I was surprised to hear Ralph Turner is heading out for the front already, although troops do nt get much training now. We are having moderate weather, too cold for June and plenty of rain and we've had extra hard training, in fact it was inhuman the way we've been dogged about all weathers; the men were absolutely walked to a standstill, even some of our officers said it was too much for the men, but some Generals have no feeling, they just think about themselves. You talk about economy, why we have wasted pounds of corn, trampled through fields of it for miles. English farmers would go wild if it happened on their farms. You can't very well manoeuvre out here without going over crops, but it does seem a shame and there is often quite a lot wasted that could be prevented.
Well I've no more news at present. I had a letter from Sarah today. Hoping this finds you all quite well at home.
With love to all. I remain your loving brother Joe.
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