Saturday, 14 May 2016

Billie - Sunday 14th May 1916

Dear Jess,

Very many thanks for the letter received a few days ago.  You will no doubt be pleased to hear we have really been relieved at last and we are now 15 miles behind the line resting.  We are in barns in a village just outside a decent town, and they grant a few passes every day so it is not so bad.  I went yesterday and had a jolly decent meal for a change. 

We had it jolly rough the first two days we were out as we went up the line a bit and bivouacked in a wood and had to go digging every night for 8 hours and jolly hard work it was too.  I never felt so tired in all my life.  The weather was awful while we were on this game - poured with rain the whole time, but it made no difference we had to go on digging wet or fine, so we were in a nice state I can tell you, covered in mud and wet through.  However after two days of this we were ordered to pack up and clean ourselves a bit and then we set off to come here.  We were inspected on the road by the Army Corp Commander and he was very pleased with the way we marched past.  We are having a fairly easy time of it up to the present and you may guess we are enjoying ourselves.  The whole brigade has been issued with new rifles and bayonets so it looks promising for a bit of scrapping. 

I got a threepenny piece out of your bride's cake and a pal of mine got a silver donkey out also.  I expect to be home on leave in about a month's time with a bit of luck.  Well I think this is all the news up to the present so must close.  Hoping John and you are quite well and with kindest regards to all at Woodside. 

Your loving brother Billie. 

Just had a letter from Sarah she seems to be having a nice time in Dumfries.  Oh the Scotch short cake you sent me was great. 

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