Thursday, 28 April 2016

Joe - Friday 28th April 1916

Dear Mother,

I received the two Easter parcels from you and thanks for the same.  I got Jessie's today so it landed a day after the wedding, but you needn't worry about that.  I will enjoy the parcel just as much as if it landed yesterday. 

Well we have been in the trenches six days and we are now in the reserves in deep caves.  Tom Anderson who is a Sergeant was killed yesterday and Bob Skinner and a chap called Donnan from Whitehaven were wounded.  I had a letter from F. Wilkinson and he reckons they are coming to France.  We are having very hot weather although our first two days in the trenches we had a lot of rain, but this is making up for it.  Leaves have started again but for how long before they will be stopped again no one knows. 

You will be more settled at home now that the weddings are over.  Sarah will not have long at home now.  I hope she likes her new work.  I haven't had a reply from Billie yet, but if he is in trenches like ours he won't be able to get letters away for six days, only green envelopes; that is the way we have to do in our section so you won't have to expect many letters now, but I will send more field cards. 

Syd is getting on all right, and all the other Whitehaven chaps are in the pink.  I will write to Father tomorrow, it's a while since I wrote to him and I will write to Thompson as well.  I had a letter from Jennie. 

Well I've no more news at present so must close.  Hoping this finds all well at home. 

Your loving son Joe

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