Friday, 29 January 2016

Billie - Saturday 29th January 1916

Dear Sarah,

Just a few lines to let you know I am still all right and I am out of the trenches again.  Kindly thank Mother for the £1 note - I received it safely and it will keep me going for some time. 

We had it very rough the last time in, the worst we've ever had, I think.  The Germans gave us no rest night or day, and they bombarded us practically the whole time in, and one night it was too awful for words.  It was one continual roar with minewerfers and shells, and, under cover of this, a large bombing attack of the enemies entered our trenches but we soon had them out again.  Of course we lost a few men and prevented the attack being a success.  I hear that the Battalion who are in now are going over to the Germans on the same game tonight.  We have been having nothing but alarms the whole time we were in, and the last time we were in we had to keep putting our gas helmets on as the Germans were using gas on our left and just on our right, so of course we got some of it but nothing much.  We were wakened one morning at 6 by the sound of guns and we had to stand to for an hour with our helmets on. 

The weather has been a little better.  Quite a change from some spells we've had. 

I was sorry to hear that Jess was not well and hope she will soon be A1.  Pleased to hear all the rest are well.  Glad to hear John is having such a good time; he is a lucky beggar and no mistake.  I am eagerly looking forward to my leave now, which I expect about the end of March.  I am going to send Mrs Huggins a card so please let me have her address as I just forget it at the moment.  I had a letter from Janey last night dated November 6th; it must have been that one that got lost, but goodness knows where it has been.  Kindly remember me to all aunts and cousins.  Hoping all are well as it leaves me in the pink. 

Your loving brother Billie. 

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