Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Billie - about Wednesday 15th December 1915

Dear Jess,

Very many thanks for letters and parcels which arrived all safe and sound last night.  I'm afraid I'm rather late with my birthday card but "Many happy returns" all the same.  We are out of the trenches again and I can tell you we were not sorry to get out as the last spell in was the worst we have ever had.  Nearly every part of the line was waist deep in water, but in spite of this we managed to get some fun out of it, but we only hope we never have a time like it again.  We had some of the Manchesters in with us again, and one poor chap was missing for a week, but they eventually found him - in a swamp hole drowned.  It was a very bad start for them poor chaps.  I think the trenches are the same all along the line. 

Pleased to hear John and Joe are well.  Poor old Togo got wounded in the hand and foot with a rifle grenade, but I think he's going on all right.  Gobbo went on leave, but has never returned, so he will have to be very careful, or if he is caught he will be shot (unless there is some reason).  I am pleased to hear all are well.  You need not send me any bread now until I let you know. 

Hoping all are still well as it leaves me in the pink. 

Your loving brother Billie. 

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