Monday, 24 August 2015

John - Tuesday 24th August 1915

Dear Janey,

Thanks very much for your two letters. 

I have heard a rumour of a great naval victory in the Baltic but have not seen a paper.  It is about time the newspapers cheered up.  I can't understand why they seem to fond of making the most of all the bad news that comes along.  I am pleased to hear that Mother is improving. 

We had a fine dinner on Sunday, at our own expense.  After the chicken we had some tinned fruit (mine from home) and cream and after that champagne and cigars and the whole lot cost us about 2 francs.  We have made up our minds to have at least one good meal a week and Sunday is the only chance we have.  I am writing this while in charge of a working party; they are scattered all over the wood and all I have to do is to visit them occasionally. 

I had the photo of May and Gus and I like it very much.  I intended writing to Aunt Sally to thank her for the cake she sent me the other day but I've never had the time to settle down to letter writing.  I just snatch a few minutes now and again.  I expect Fergie will feel strange going to school but he will soon get used to it. 

I'm expecting a letter from Billie.  I'm anxious to know where they are.  I think they are in the south somewhere and from all accounts it is pretty rotten weather if nothing else. 

I hope Thompson likes his new work.  It will be sickening if you have to move to Carlisle to live - still we shall be able to come and visit you during the holidays.  It will not be so bad moving after the war and it is not far from home and Mother could come and visit you and Carlisle agrees with her.  We are gradually improving our little home.  I wish you could see it.  We are as cosy as it is possible to be and we can make it very much warmer in the winter.  We are lining the inside with sacking so we do not get many draughts.  We do not need a door yet; we do not intend to make ourselves too soft as it does not do. 

I suppose Jess will have started school again.  I should have been back to Birmingham now, so I don't mind so much being here. 

I must close now for the present, hoping all are keeping well.  Thank Mother for her parcel. 

Love to all John. 

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