Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Billie - Wednesday 26th May 1915

Dear Mother,

Many thanks for letter received some days ago.  I wrote to you by return but evidently you did not receive it.  All the chaps are complaining about their letters not getting through. 

We are having our rest again, digging and in reserve at nights but we do manage to get a bit of sleep in now so it is not so bad.  We've received Sarah and Jess's parcel.  We go in the trenches on Friday and will be out again on Tuesday.  It is scorching hot every day now but turns cold at nights. 

You have already heard that we had a soft time in the trenches last time, just like a picnic, only we had to work all the time we were under the cover of darkness, but we did not mind that.  Sorry to hear about Jack Huggins.  I hope they have heard from him by now.  We heard from a Canadian how the Durhams had caught it in the neck and he praised the way they went into it.  He said that two regular Battalions would not face it, but the Durhams went in to it in close formation.  They are using a lot of those gases now but we are quite well provided. 

I was pleased to hear you are quite well again also that father's cold was better and all are well at home.  Must close hoping you are still well as it leaves us in the pink and as brown as niggers. 

Your loving son Billie. 

Cheer up, we will be home soon now Italy has joined in, and they let us have some more high explosive shells.  You can send us some more sherbet. 

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